How to become a mirror site

WWW mirrors
If you want to set up a mirror of the International PGP Home Page, then you are welcome to do so, as long as the following requirements are met:

  1. Your site should have a reasonably good connection to the Internet.
  2. The mirror should be updated at least twice a week.
  3. The mirroring is done through FTP, not HTTP. You will need to obtain and install an FTP mirroring program, such as mirror-2.9, available from
  4. The main server runs on Apache, but you may use any webserver as long as it supports:
    1. Server side includes (SSI) for files with the .shtml suffix.
    2. Perl CGI-scripts (.cgi suffix) in the cgi/ directory.
    3. Virtual hosts. Once set up, your server will become, where xx is your country code.
  5. You accept that advertisement banners be placed on the pages, and that the revenue from the advertisements goes directly to the PGPi project.
If you comply with the above requirements, then you are welcome to set up a mirror. When you have everything installed and configured, drop me a mail so that I can give you FTP access to the main server, and add the required DNS entries for your host.

FTP mirrors
The International PGP Home Page also includes an FTP file archive, available at:

The archive is about 200 Mb, and anyone who wants to mirror the archive is welcome to do so. However, if you want to become an official mirror, and get a address, you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Your site should have a reasonably good connection to the Internet.
  2. The mirror should be updated at least once a week.
  3. You should add a symlink from /pub/pgp/ or /pub/pgpi/ to the directory containing the mirror.
Once set up, drop me a mail so that I can add the required DNS entries for your host.

PGPi Home > About PGPi > Mirrors > Policy ]